Tarot Surveys
A Project of the Exploration Project Newsletter

When and how did you discover Tarot? How did you get started working with Tarot? And how do you relate to Tarot today?

About the Surveys Project
I'm hoping to gather information that will illuminate the many ways people relate to Tarot--how they discovered it, how they use it, and how it fits into their lives.
A huge proportion of what’s publicly visible about Tarot today highlights a very narrow range of uses and users. Yet I know from my own research and personal connections that there are many surprising facts about how, where, and why Tarot turns up.
Reporting on those surprises is one of my purposes for writing about Tarot today.
Each of these surveys has ten multiple choice questions, and typically takes less than ten minutes to complete, There are also opportunities to expand upon your answers and comment on the survey.
If you choose to participate, just click on a title. You will leave this page and go to SurveyPlanet. And please take all four if you are interested.
The process is safe and private--so I hope you will have a look at least! And please visit the Exploration Project if you would like further information about my approach to Tarot.
Warmest regards, Cynthia
A survey for readers, writers, artists, artisans, teachers, resellers--anyone who offers Tarot services or products in exchange for something else of value.
Share in more depth the Tarot ideas, attitudes, and practices that shape your present-day relationship with Tarot.

A survey designed to find out more about how Tarot practitioners and students interact with various aspects of the non-Tarot world.